Loker Bandung Januari 2022 | 8 Lowongan Kerja Bandung Terbaru Hari ini 26 Januari 2022
Loker Bandung Januari 2022
Korandigital.eu.org - Hi Guys, welcome back.. Informasi kali ini masih tetap tentang Lowongan Kerja Bandung Januari 2022.
Berikut beberapa informasi lowongan pekerjaannya :
Lowongan Kerja DNR Corporation, 2 posisi tersedia
Lowongan Kerja Setiabudhi Supermarket, Posisi HRS Staff
Lowongan Kerja Swiss-Belhotel International, 2 posisi tersedia
Lowongan Kerja PT. Dapensi Dwikarya, Posisi Digital Marketing
Lowongan Kerja PT SerasiiAutoraya (member of Astra International), PosisiiSales Executive
Lowongan Kerja PT. Walden Global Services (WGS), 2 posisi tersedia
Lowongan Kerja PT METRANET(TELKOM GROUP), Posisi Sales
Lowongan Kerja PT. Prambanan Kencana, Posisi Sales Executive
Info Selengkapnya :
8 Lowongan Kerja Bandung Terbaru Hari ini 26 Januari 2022
Lowongan Kerja DNR Corporation
(dport.id) are hiring for :
Business.Development&Sales Executive DPort (DigitallTransportation)
With Requirements :
- Pria / Wanita
- Usia maksimal 37 Thn
- Pendidikan minimal D3/S1 Sederajat
- Berpengalaman diposisiiyang sama minimal tiga tahun
- Diutamakan dari bisnis Tranportasi/Logistik/Shipper/Port
- Domisili.Jakarta , Bandung, Surabaya&Semarang
- Punya kendaraan sendiri
Qualified candidates, please send your CV to pga2.kmg@dnr.id with subject Nama_BD&SE DPORT.
Note: Only shorlisted candidate will be contacted.
Lowongan Kerja Setiabudhi Supermarket
Posisi HRS Staff
Bergabunglah menjadi bagian dari Setiabudhi Supermarket.
Lowongan Kerja Swiss-Belhotel International
Lowongan Kerja PT. Dapensi Dwikarya
Jobdesk :
- Managing Display Advertisers
- Responsible for alllmatters related to digitallmarketing and branding of company productsiin society.
- Create a business plan related to digital marketing
- Manage the company's social media for promotional purposes
- Increase.product customer.engagement.through the.delivery.of content on sociallmedia.
- Age max. 35 years old
- Vocational / D3 / S1 graduates are preferred, majoring in Multimedia, Design, or MBTI
- Other graduates are welcome to apply, provided that they master the field of Digital Marketing (proven by course certification or portfolio)
- Understand the tools for online product promotion
- Able to work with targets and have a motorized vehicle for mobilization.
Benefits :
- Salaries and allowances
- BPJS Health and Employment
- Bonus
Send your CV, application documents, and supporting documents to email: recruitment.ddk@dapensidwikarya.co.id
Lowongan Kerja PT. SerasiiAutoraya (member of Astra.International)
Looking.for professionals to join.our team as :
Sales Executive
Job Desc :
Create new prospect customer to ensure sales growth
Reqs :
- Possess.atlleast a Diploma.Degree from any.field
- Graduate from high.school with experience.are welcome.to.apply
- Fresh Graduate or having experienceiin Sales, Promotion, Customer.Service, or Appraisaliin automotive field willlbe advantage.
- High energy, good interpersonal skill
- Willing to work mobile&based on target
- Placement throughout Indonesia (Jakarta, BSD, Bandung, Bali, Manado, Makassar, Banjarmasin)
Send your CV in PDF format to: jessica.elaine@sera.astra.co.id, with subject: "Sales Executive (Location) - (Name)"
*Only suitable candidate will be contacted.
Lowongan Kerja PT. Walden Global Services (WGS)
Currently hiring for :
1. Technical Writting
Qualification :
- At.least one year's experience as TechnicallWritter
- Have experience with technicalldocumentationiin software development
- Ability.to deliver.high quality documentation.paying attention to.detail
- Excellent.analytical skills.to understand product.requirements
- Collaborate.with users&IT related to software&documentation needs
- Good written and verbal communication skills
- Placement in Bandung
2. System Analyst
Qualification :
- Atlleast one year's experience.as system.analyst
- Develop configuration.specifications and business analysis.requirements
- Create and maintain technicalldocumentation in software.development
- Plan, design, and launch efficient.system design.solutions
- Collaborateiin the planning, design&development with the team
- Good writing.skills to describe business.process and technicalldetailsiin a concise yet easily understandable wordings
- Develop,,analyze, prioritize, maintain&organize requirement specifications, data.mapping, diagrams, and flowcharts for developers&testers to follow
- Placement in Bandung
If you'reiinterested please send your newest.Curriculum Vitae to
Email : career@wgs.co.id
Website : https://wgs.co.id/career
Dicari Sales O2O (Offline to Online)
Depskripsi pekerjaan :
1. Memiliki pengalaman di dunia penjualan
2. Menguasai area Kab dan Kota Bandung
3. Memiliki kendaraan motor dan SIM C
4. Memiliki pengalaman di dunia Fmcg atau perusahaan aplikasi akan lebih di sukai
Jika Anda berminat bisa kirim cv via email ke : billygp17@gmail.com deadline
Pengiriman lamaran 31 Januari 2022 (Yang sesuai kualifikasi akan langsung di hubungi oleh tim HRD)
Lowongan Kerja PT. Prambanan Kencana
Sales Executive
Yang berminat Silahkan email ke r.sianturi@prb.co.id
Sekian informasi yang dapat Kami sampaikan tentang 8 Lowongan Kerja Bandung Terbaru 26 Januari 2022. Waspada selalu terhadap penipuan Informasi Lowongan Kerja yang banyak tersebar di media sosial.
Stay Safe and Smart Guys!
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